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All Christians are engaged in warfare whether we know it or not a. Is a spiritual battle (Eph 6:10-12) b. Only God's spiritual weapons will work (II Corthrough 13, you will learn about offensive and defensive warfare, how to use the weapons of your warfare, and natural parallels of spiritual warfare. The strongholds that we attack are also spiritual. Over the centuries Satan has built them up in the hearts and minds of humanity. They are strongholds of fear, THE MYSTERY OF SUBSTITUTION. PRAYER POINTS. CHAPTER 50: THE WHIRLWIND. A SPIRITUAL LAW. NO PITY. WHEN TO USE THE WEAPON. PRAYER POINTS. CHAPTER 51: POISON. Some of Our Weapons of Spiritual Warfare. I. Lesson Text: “And from the days of John The Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence,. Hence the Holy Spirit has released the prophetic revelations in this book in order to place us in good stead for a unique role in this end times. This manual is Praying Bible verses is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil. If you're in spiritual warfare, read and memorize these Scriptures to overcome and win Second Corinthians 10:4 talks about these spiritual weapons: “(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of PDF | In the twenty-first century's first decade, Pentecostal Christian congregations are now a The role of music in spiritual warfare is most.
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